This weekend, well Wednesday through Saturday were quite the whirlwind. I guess time at home seems that way a lot lately. The visits are so far and few between. And if they are closer together they are usually even mire rushed. This past holiday was no different. I drove home on wednesday with my bff Alyssa. That was a lot of fun, I haven't seen her since her birthday in October. As we drove home, in between checking texts from our mothers asking us where we were we got to catch up on each others lives and rock out to country music. That night my mom and I went and saw Burlesque, and I was quite impressed. The songs were incredible, and I am one again in love with Cam Gignadet ( the bad vampire from Twilight) Anyways, then Thanksgiving came and we headed over to my grandparents house. It was such a familiar feeling of tradition love and family all wrapped into one. All the uncles were there, which hasn't happened in quite some time, and it was very very nice. And before the feast we all held hands and prayed which was another reason to smile, as my brother talked to God in a familiar way, with wit and thanks for all the hands we were holding. This prayer even with it's element of humor was incredibly powerful, for my family to be praying, for my brother especially to be saying the prayer and for the love I felt surround all of us in that moment, it was just perfect. And then of course after prayer it was back to normal, people rushing to get plates, everyone trying to talk over the other, the dogs running around trying to score left overs and everyone cracking jokes at each others expense, thats my family, my moms side anyways, and it was just perfect! I wouldn't change a second of it.
After dinner it was time for the family picture and then everyone parted for their next destination, but for this couple hours home is what I felt. Then my brother and I in his car headed over to our step brother's house to celebrate with my stepdad's family. My step brother and his wife and my nephew were ther along with our other step brother and his wife. We all sat around the table listening to my nephews story on how he asked his date to homecoming and then spent the rest of the afternoon talking about what would have happened had she said no.
After that it was on to our last stop of the day, it was out to my dad's family. This was a subdued event since that side of the family lives all around the world. It was just my uncle, his very pregnant wife, my dad, my grandma and my brother. We enjoyed appetizers and then dessert and coffee and a little bit of dancing. It was vey relaxed, but not without it's own fill of smart alike comments. Those are the few common threads throughout my family, love and sarcasm. Then it was time to head home, to my moms. And time to prepare for black Friday our family tradition, we had all the ads out and mapped our route. Then the next morning we were out the door by 3am. That was a crazy busy day. Then Saturday came, and it was a day of errands, haircuts, and lunch dates. I went to lunch with my bff and then our friend who we've known since kindergarten, and used to be our bff but this was the first time we've seen her in ages. It was nice to reminisce and talk about our lives now. Then Lyss and I headed back to SB.
After this holiday season, looking back there are quite a few thoughts going through my head:
- I am so thankful to have my brother to go through all the different familly dynamics, I don't know what I would do without him.
- I am one very loved litle girl
- with time doesnt always come change, which is very nice when it comes to old friends
- family is like no other relationship you will ever have
After this holiday season, looking back there are quite a few thoughts going through my head:
- I am so thankful to have my brother to go through all the different familly dynamics, I don't know what I would do without him.
- I am one very loved litle girl
- with time doesnt always come change, which is very nice when it comes to old friends
- family is like no other relationship you will ever have
- and I am so happy that Thanksgiving is finally over because that means we are that much closer to my 21st birthday and CHRISTMAS!!!!!
josslynn nicole
(ps this was all written on my new iPad!!!)
josslynn nicole
(ps this was all written on my new iPad!!!)
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