Monday, October 17, 2011

just little reminders help

sometimes I need a reminder.

josslynn nicole

Fall thankfuls

1.fundraisers,  that hopefully make a difference
2. people that surprise you.
3. family that supports you
4. coffee
5. people that watch dumb movies with you.

josslynn nicole

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Oh how loverly...

1. hilarious...
2. NYC guide..
3. Magazine about NYC
4. beautiful wedding video. ready for Christmas... Cindy loo who
6.perfect place to be!
7. sweet love.

the 22!!!!

My best friend in the world, that I've known since I was 3 years old turned 22. 
Her quote to me about whether or not she was excited was "eh, not really, its all down hill from 21" 
I really hope she is wrong, I hope these are the most exciting years of our life!! 
love her to pieces!
josslynn nicole 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

these boots are made for... dancing!

So my girlfriends and I have found this great little bar called Creekside, and every Wednesday we go line dancing there. It may be my new favorite thing.  We've been going consistently every week for a month now. When we started it was just three of us, but now our group has grown.  We've even roped some of our guy friends into it, and we have a blast!!! It is quite honestly the very best part of my week.  Good times, good friends. Its soo much fun! We may not be the best people out on the dance floor, but we are definitely the ones having the most fun.  
josslynn nicole

Monday, October 10, 2011

wishing for a life like this

i wanna live like this. 
josslynn nicole

graciously gracious for ...

1. cookie dough
2. flip flops
3. understanding
4. dawson's creek
5. interesting baby names

josslynn nicole

Thursday, October 6, 2011


1. crying in New York
2. just about the best group I know
3. marilyn
4. steve jobs
5. guest gifts
6. a reminder and a fun place
7. gigi.

josslynn nicole

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that his character in Something Borrowed may be my favorite character of all time. 
josslynn nicole 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

So, I chopped my hair, 
I love it, 
some people don't, but oh well. 
josslynn nicole

Sunday, October 2, 2011


1.its October!
2.haircut love/support
4.dawson's creek on dvd

josslynn nicole