Today was the last first day of college I will ever have. Today I started my Senior year of college. I was soo jittery, I felt like a little kid. I tossed and turned all night, thinking I would sleep through my alarm and when I finally felt like I got some sleep I had the strangest dream. It was a fabulous day, I got my coffee and did my hair and headed to school. As I was walking ot work, I sent a mass text to all the seniors in my phone book, just telling them to have a wonderful first day of senior year. They were all really sweet, by either responding or seeing me on campus and telling me it made their morning and started their day off right and that made me soo happy. I was early to work and welcomed like a prodigal son. It was a great way to start my morning and I'm not even a morning person. Then it was off to my first class with one of my favorite teachers, Dr.O. The reason I'm taking
only communications classes this semester... and minoring at all. After that, we went to chapel and it was packed. Full of energy, love, smiling faces and reunions. Pastor Ben got up on stage and we got our "bearings" and the senior boys added their own little twist, knowing he would give this speech, they each had a poster for the words he was saying.. our college-montecito-california-USA-Milky way galaxy- Hand of God.
it was funny and all of us who have been there for four years loved it. After that I moved onto my next class and one of the nice things about being a senior is I don't have to worry about if I am going to know someone in the class or not. Today, 2/3 classes were ALL seniors, with 1 or 2 sophomores and juniors thrown in. It was fantastic! Well that was my day, and here are a few snapshots. xoxo, josslynn nicole
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